
How to Choose Aging Skincare Cosmetics - Looking Beyond Advertising Hype

The aging skincare cosmetics industry seemed to have reached a plateau till a visionary New Zealand company ushered in a new era. This company has shown how age-related skin deterioration ought to be addressed from within and not through superficial methods. One of the goals the cosmetics industry has met successfully for many years is to trigger the aspiration levels of consumers. Quick fixes, overnight improvements in looks and over promises followed by under deliveries have ruled this industry for too long. These dream merchants, however, have relied on past glory for too long. Their formulas, though ineffective most of the time, have continued to prosper, primarily due to consumer loyalty - reinforced by powerful advertising hype. But there is good news. Today, the consumer has started to think twice before using cosmetics, which have harmful chemicals, toxic preservatives, and dangerous long-term effects. The skincare cosmetics industry is now, justifiably so, geared for so
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